Saturday, September 28, 2024

Notes from Talks at Google episode 485: A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout

This podcast is based on the book and is available as a video,

claim: Primary design principle is decomposition. 

The point of decomposition is to make future work easier.

principle: "classes should be deep."
Deep classes enable information hiding.
The interface to the class is the cost; the functionality of the class is the benefit.
Here "interface" includes signatures, side effects, and dependencies.
The goal of abstraction is to maximize the ratio of functionality to interface.

Sometimes the cost of an interface can exceed the benefit of the functionality. For example, the number of characters for calling the interface may exceed the character count of enacting the function.

Smaller classes are easier to grok, but proliferation of classes increases the interfaces (and thus cost).
"Classes are good" does not mean "more classes are better."

principle: "the common case should be simple"

principle: exceptions should be defined out of existence.

Tactical approach is to get some code working, accepting shortcuts to get the result. These shortcuts compound. Complexity isn't one mistake; complexity is hundreds or thousands of mistakes over a long duration. Because complexity doesn't happen all at once, the incremental mistakes are hard to notice. 
Observation: Software developers who are "tactical tornados" are rewarded by management because they appear productive in the short term. There's no recognition of the technical debt being created.
Observation: "what's the smallest change I can make?" is a local optimization that often harms the global optimum.

The strategic approach is have the goal be "great design." Not just at the beginning, but with every change to code. This is slower compared to tactical approach but enables future productivity. 

claim: The crossover in ROI might be something like 6 months for a project. Tactical can get results faster initially, but after 6 months making small changes gets more expensive than having used a strategic approach.

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