I have an old MacBook Air running
macOS Catalina v10.15.7 with a 1.8GHz Intel Core i5 and 4GB of RAM
`docker compose version` = 2.2.1
`docker --version` = 20.10.11
I have a new MacBook Air running
macOS Sonoma v14.6.1 with an Apple M2 and 8GB of RAM
Podman on the new MacBook M2 Downloaded
Confusingly, 1.15.0 provides Podman 4.9.0 (?)
As per
https://stackoverflow.com/a/76488304 I tried
% podman machine stop; podman machine start
Waiting for VM to exit...
Machine "podman-machine-default" stopped successfully
Starting machine "podman-machine-default"
Waiting for VM ...
Mounting volume... /Users:/Users
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/Users’: Read-only file system
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /
Error: exit status 1
I then tried
% podman machine stop
Waiting for VM to exit...
Machine "podman-machine-default" stopped successfully
% podman machine rm
The following files will be deleted:
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
% podman machine init
Extracting compressed file: podman-machine-default_fedora-coreos-41.20241215.2.0-qemu.aarch64.qcow2: done
Image resized.
Machine init complete
To start your machine run:
podman machine start
% podman machine start
Starting machine "podman-machine-default"
Waiting for VM ...
Mounting volume... /Users:/Users
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/Users’: Read-only file system
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /
Error: exit status 1
Running as root doesn't help
% sudo podman machine start
Error: cannot run command "podman machine start" as root
As per
https://stackoverflow.com/a/71576242 I tried
% podman machine init --cpus=4 --disk-size=60 --memory=6096 -v $HOME:$HOME
Extracting compressed file: podman-machine-default_fedora-coreos-41.20241215.2.0-qemu.aarch64.qcow2: done
Image resized.
Machine init complete
To start your machine run:
podman machine start
% podman machine start
Starting machine "podman-machine-default"
Waiting for VM ...
Mounting volume... /Users/myinitials:/Users/myinitials
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/Users’: Read-only file system
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /
Error: exit status 1
As a consequence, while I can run the container,
% podman run -it --rm localhost/ui_v8_website_flask_neo4j_webserver /bin/bash
WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64)
I am unable to mount the local directory
% podman run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/scratch localhost/ui_v8_website_flask_neo4j_webserver /bin/bash
WARNING: image platform (linux/amd64) does not match the expected platform (linux/arm64)
Error: statfs /Users/bhp/version_control/allofphysicsgraph/ui_v8_website_flask_neo4j: no such file or directory
Uninstall Podman
podman machine stop podman-machine-default
podman machine rm podman-machine-default
podman machine rm
sudo /opt/podman/bin/podman-mac-helper uninstall
sudo rm /etc/paths.d/podman-pkg
sudo rm -rfv /opt/podman
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Podman\ Desktop.app/
sudo rm /var/run/docker.sock
rm -fr ~/.local/share/containers/
Docker on the new MacBook M2
Downloaded https://desktop.docker.com/mac/main/arm64/Docker.dmg from